Saturday, August 21, 2010

Simple method to get 30 unique articles in a day--NO OUTSOURCING OR RE-WRITING

For those of you who are still frustrated about getting unique articles. This one's for you:

Right now you should know that re-writing an article is not that easy. It will take you an hour just to churn out about 4 or 5 articles so it's not very time efficient. What I did before outsourcing was scanning some magazines and local newspaper. then use some pdf to word programs to convert them into word documents. You can find tons of those in your local library. Usually there's a section for back issues periodicals.

Articles in magazines are rarely, if ever found on the internet. (just don't copy something like Maxim okay?) The other great thing about it is that articles there are relevant and most of the time AC will accept it and give you at least $3.50 for each article.

You can find those pdf to word programs on warez forum or sth. Mine was a cracked version but it no longer works. Anyone who found a working copy pls PM me =)

The old trick of finding articles on ezine, then rewrite them no longer works because more and more people everyday are doing the exact same thing. Imagine you're AC staff and you see very similar articles being submitted everyday. When I used to use that ezine trick 4 out of 10 articles were being rejected as too similar. So then I started using this method, most of the time at least 8 out of 10 are being accepted.

I was able to get 20 to 30 articles done everyday by asking some high school kid scanning the documents for me. But I mean, if you have to do it yourself (i imagine you have access to a scanner, if not.. just get one for about $100) it would take you around an hour or so to scan and convert everything.

If you do what I said you will make $100 a day. I know it works because I have done it. Just have to spread it out in two accounts. That part of it i'm no expert of. But if you're in the US... obviously you don't have to worry that part.

If you find it useful, "thanks" would be much appreciated. Any question, ask me here!

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